- Master's degree in criminal sciences from PUCRS (2008) with a dissertation on "Plea Bargains and Confessions: an analysis of institutes from the legal basis of criminal law and criminal procedural law”, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Salo de Carvalho.
- Specialization in criminal sciences from PUCRS (2006).
- Was a Professor of criminal law and criminal procedural law at CESUCA (Inedi/Cachoeirinha Faculty) (2013-2016).
- Guest Professor at Escola Superior de Advocacia of OAB/RS and Fundação Escola da Defensoria Pública – FESDEP.
- Was a Professor of criminal law at ULBRA (Torres/RS - 2009) and UNILASALLE (Canoas/RS – 2011-2013).
- OAB/RS board member (2016-2019).
- Was a member of the Defense, Assistance and Prerogatives Committee of OAB/RS (2007- 2009).
- Speaker and author of various published legal papers with an emphasis on criminal law and criminal procedure.
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